sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2019

Workout.Me: Localization & Messaging Center

I haven't writing in english for a while.

Today I accomplished a new goal, adding localization for different languages on the Workout.Me app.

It was really easy to do. By the moment I just defined some strings in two resource files, one in english and another in spanish.

To try this feature, I added a menu item to the AppShell flyout, which just do switch the languages. Actually the method, first changes the CultureInfo and then send a multicast message through the MessagingCenter class.

Then simply call the Send method:

MessagingCenter.Send<AppShell>(this, "LanguageChanged");

And then, in each desired class, it's necessary to suscribe to that message:

MessagingCenter.Subscribe<AppShell> (this, "LanguageChanged", (sender) =>

So clean, effective and easy to implement. Beautiful.

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